278899510 1369457056828410 8308867469543582824 nVuity- the Presbyopia Drop

What is Presbyopia?

For those over 40 who start noticing that things up close are harder to see than they used to be, presbyopia is a familiar condition.  Presbyopia is the term for the normal near vision change everyone exeriences as we age.  In the early stages, you may start noticing that you are pushing things out further to read them and get them in focus.  Eventually as things progress, you may reach for a pair of reading glasses, or go into progressive lenses/bifocals.

So what causes this change?  In a young eye, the natural lens (this sits behind the iris) bends and flexes, allowing for a change in focus.  Little fibers called zonules attach to it, and work with the ciliary muscle to help cause the movement of the lens as they tighten and relax.  Over time the lens hardens and loses its flexibility, and the zonules lose their tension.  This means the lens doesn't move as much, which decreases the ability to change focus for near objects.


How does Vuity help?

Vuity is a low dose pilocarpine drop.  Pilocarpine was used years ago in eye care to treat glaucoma.  In Vuity, the concentration is lowered.  Vuity causes the pupil to constrict, or get smaller, which increases the focusing range up close.  Even while using the drop, your near vision will still be best under good lighting.  It is important to note that Vuity does not improve uncorrected distance vision.

The effects last up to 8 hours, and can take up to 2 hours for peak effect to kick in.


Who is a candidate for Vuity?

We find that Vuity works best for people in the early to moderate stages of presbyopia (ages 40-55).  


How do you use Vuity?

The prescribed dosage for Vuity is no more than once daily.  Do not use the drop while wearing contact lenses.


What are the risks and side effects?

Since Vuity is a lower dose of a previously widely-prescribed glaucoma medication, we have a pretty good understanding of the potential side effects.  The most commonly reported side effect is a brow ache/headache, followed by a dimming of vision.  Since the pupil is getting smaller and letting less light in, the dimming of vision is not unexpected.  We recommend trying the first dose at a time when you will not be driving so you can determine how much this effect impacts you.  In rare cases, retinal detachments and vitreomacular traction (pulling where the vitreous gel meets the macula/central vision area) have been reported.  Those with higher degrees of nearsightedness are more at risk for these rare side effects.  Note- if you were highly nearsighted and had a corrective surgery such as LASIK, that risk still remains.  


Does insurance cover Vuity?

Vuity is not covered by any insurance company.  The manufacturer does have a rewards program.


How can I get Vuity?

Vuity is available by prescription only.  We recommend a recent comprehensive dilated examination prior to prescribing, as well as a consultation with one of our doctors to go over individual risks.  There is no generic available at this time.

Call to schedule your consult: 615-758-2344


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