What Is Myopia?
Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a condition where distant objects appear blurry because the eye is longer than average. This elongation causes light entering the eye to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it, resulting in blurred vision. The likelihood of developing myopia is influenced by genetics—children have a 50% chance if both parents are myopic, a 33% chance if one parent is myopic, and a 25% chance if neither parent is myopic. Environmental factors, such as increased time spent indoors reading or using digital devices like tablets and smartphones, may also contribute to myopia’s development. The prevalence of myopia is on the rise, with more than 40% of Americans affected today compared to 25% in the 1970s. Alarmingly, this trend is especially noticeable among school-aged children, with studies conducted during the pandemic further confirming its acceleration.
What Is Myopia Management?
Myopia management refers to the strategies used by eye care professionals to slow the progression of myopia in children. This proactive approach helps preserve vision and reduce the risk of long-term complications. Myopia management can involve various treatment methods, which are outlined below.
Why Consider Myopia Management?
Myopia develops when the eye grows too long (a condition known as increased axial length). This growth can continue until approximately age 20. If myopia progresses significantly during childhood, it can lead to severe nearsightedness, increasing the risk of serious eye conditions such as retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. By slowing myopia progression, treatment not only helps prevent the development of a strong prescription but also lowers the likelihood of future eye health issues.
Is Myopia Management Right For Your Child?Your eye care provider can determine if your child is a candidate for myopia management. Generally, children who are slightly farsighted (hyperopic) at age six are considered low-risk. Those who are less hyperopic or starting to show signs of myopia at age six are medium-risk, while children diagnosed with myopia between ages eight and twelve are at high risk for rapid progression.
Therapeutic Treatment Options For Myopia ManagementOne of the most effective treatments for managing myopia progression is specially designed multifocal contact lenses. Our office offers MiSight lenses, the first FDA-approved daily disposable contact lens for slowing myopia progression. These lenses are ideal for children due to their convenience and health benefits. Daily disposables ensure fresh lenses every day, eliminating concerns about cleaning and maintenance. The multifocal design incorporates correction and treatment zones to slow eye elongation while providing clear vision. Research indicates that MiSight lenses can reduce myopia progression by up to 59%
A second treatment option involves the use of low-dose atropine eye drops. These specially formulated drops are applied nightly before bedtime and work by dilating the eyes to reduce myopia progression. While children using atropine drops will still need to wear glasses during the day, this method has been shown to significantly slow the elongation of the eye. Potential side effects may include mild near-vision blur, but the benefits of preserving long-term eye health often outweigh these minor inconveniences.
A third option for myopia management is ortho-keratology (ortho-k) lenses. These are rigid contact lenses worn overnight that gently reshape the cornea while the child sleeps. This temporary reshaping reduces or eliminates the need to wear glasses or contact lenses during the day. In addition to providing clear daytime vision, specially-fitted ortho-k lenses have been shown to slow the progression of myopia, making them a valuable treatment option for children.
How Can I Get Started With Myopia Management?
By addressing myopia early, we can help protect your child’s vision and overall eye health. Contact us today to learn more about myopia management and how it can benefit your child. Please contact our office at 615-758-2344 to schedule a Myopia Management consultation or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
It is exciting to have new science and technology at our fingertips to impact both how our children see, and the health of their eyes, later in life!
To read more about the FDA approval of MiSight, click here